One of the most popular songs that we sing together in Creagh National School is from the Grow in Love series. It is called Circle of Friends and the lyrics are particularly relevant right now. If you get a chance, it might be a nice idea to sing this with your child to remind them that they are never alone, they will always have their friends......''even when they are far apart''.
As we begin week three of learning at home, we in Creagh National School would like to commend all our pupils for complying with the request to stay at home. We know that you have all been helping out at home, keeping up with your school work, washing your hands and keeping physical distances. We are all very proud of you. Your teachers will be making contact with you through either seesaw or Class Dojo.
Even though our gates are closed, we are busier than ever finding ways to keep teaching and learning innovative and exciting. Follow us on @creaghschool to keep up to date with all that is happening while we are closed. In order to comply with the new restrictions on physical distancing announced last night, the school premises should not be used for recreation or other purposes. Locks have been placed on the main gates. We urge everyone to stay at home and help keep us all safe. We will continue to communicate with people via this website and textaparent.
Parents can now freely access Starfall, Planet Maths and Abair Liom online resources.