Why not try one of these fun scavenger hunts from Primary Playground.
Access to Grow in Love: The Religious Education Programme for Primary Schools

Veritas have made the Grow in Love Series Free for parents and children to access online during the Covid-19 school closure. On this website you will find videos, songs, story and other resources to support the religious education of your child at home. Click on the image and follow the instructions on screen.
Email: [email protected]
Password: growinlove
Email: [email protected]
Password: growinlove
Click on the images below to download the Prim-Ed parent packs for Senior Infants.
Try out some of these terrific Aistear ideas from Hamilton Trust.
Resources to Support Motor Skills (Fine and Gross)
Try this ABC Alphabet of Exercise from ''theottoolbox.com''
Ideas for use include:
Ideas for use include:
- Children can either spell words or even their names to engage in the physical activity which accompanies each letter.
- Use some homework spelling words and perform the exercises related to them.
- Another easier way to play is by placing either A through Z foam letters, Bananagrams, or Scrabble tiles into a bag or basket and then have the child pull one letter out at a time and match it to the corresponding letter on the ABC’s of Exercise chart to perform the exercise listed.