Remote Learning January 2021
Assigned Work from Your Teacher.
This work is a summary of the work for each week. All pupils are expected to interact daily with their class teachers on the Seesaw Platform.
As everyone is aware, the entire country was placed under level 5 restrictions since 12 midnight on Wednesday the 14th of October. These restrictions are scheduled to last for 5 weeks. As all church ceremonies are to be held remotely during level 5 restrictions, the First Holy Communion ceremony scheduled for the 7th of November is indefinitely postponed. The parish will make arrangements to celebrate at a later date not yet confirmed.
Preparing for First Holy Communion: What Parents can do:
There are 3 lessons that you should complete with your child in preparation for their special day. The links to these lessons can be found in the links below:
Link to Lesson 1:
Link to lesson 2:
Link to lesson 3:
All candidates are invited to view the videos, download and complete the worksheets (which include some family engagement) and to submit them to Fr. Garvey on either by hand or at [email protected]. Parents are encouraged to work with the children on these materials.
Link to Lesson 1:
Link to lesson 2:
Link to lesson 3:
All candidates are invited to view the videos, download and complete the worksheets (which include some family engagement) and to submit them to Fr. Garvey on either by hand or at [email protected]. Parents are encouraged to work with the children on these materials.
Access to Grow in Love: The Religious Education Programme for Primary Schools
Veritas have made the Grow in Love Series Free for parents and children to access online during the Covid-19 school closure. On this website you will find videos, songs, story and other resources to support the religious education of your child at home. Click on the image and follow the instructions on screen.
Email: [email protected] Password: growinlove |